Inland navigation is generally used to transport cargo in large quantities, also known as bulk.
We distinguish between ‘dry bulk’ such as sand, fertilisers, grains or gravel, on the one hand, and ‘breakbulk’ of which mainly steel products and constructions, on the other.
Of course, inland shipping is not limited to bulk & breakbulk. Containers, liquid & pallets are also transported by water. This is not done directly by Barging Solutions, but by another division within the group.

Welke commodity wenst u te verschepen?
Ores and minerals
These raw materials each have their very specific methods regarding loading and transportation.
Because of their unusual shape or significant size, they require additional expertise.
Grains and fodder
Since they are foodstuffs, they should be treated with special care.
However the steel is packed and whatever the volumes: your steel transport will be taken care of to perfection.
Building materials
Barging Solutions provides efficient barge transport of various construction materials.
Containers and pallets
Inland shipping is today the optimal solution for inland transport of containers & pallets.
Het verschepen van meststoffen voldoet aan strenge eisen, zo dienen de schepen optimaal gereinigd te zijn.
Are you ready to move forward?
Ready to take your freight or bulk transportation to a higher, safer and faster level from now on? We're excited to meet you. We will gladly go over the possibilities together, without any obligation. The coffee is ready.